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These Are The Top 10 Foods For Beautiful Hair

There are countless cures, conditioners & Co supposed to conjure up full, beautiful hair. It is also much more natural and cheaper: you can eat your dream mane with these ten beautiful foods! These Are The Top 10 Foods For Beautiful Hair

Your Hair Will Be Happy About These Foods

The hair industry is booming, and every second it brings new products for beautiful, strong hair onto the market. We women have tested every new care product for a long time, hoping to finally find the elixir for great hair. We tried countless shampoos, conditioners, and hair treatments. Sure, they also help to a certain extent, but it goes deeper, namely hair growth – where the natural origin of beautiful hair lies – these products do not provide any remedy.

So we always looked in the wrong place, because the secret of beautiful hair is not inexpensive care products, but nutrition! Everyday foods on the supermarket shelf can ensure that your hair is not only more robust but also shinier and softer. And no, don’t panic – you shouldn’t smack sticky honey, avocado mud, or other DIY cures in your hair. It is enough if you eat the foods for beautiful hair.

So with our daily diet, we are killing two birds with one stone from now on and are consuming healthy foods and producing beautiful hair. Shop, eat and get a great mane – that’s it. Sounds easy, it is. We reveal which foods your hair mainly benefits from!

The Top 10 Foods For Beautiful Hair

Nuts For Healthy Hair

In the office, they are the perfect snack in between nuts. The nuts increase our performance and are also the ideal beauty food for strong, shiny hair. Walnuts and almonds, in particular, can work wonders: They are not only rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E, which promote hair growth and prevent split ends.

They contain a lot of biotin (also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7), which is responsible for building our hair structure. Simply put, it ensures that our hair doesn’t fall off our heads. Dull, brittle hair and hair loss are also typical symptoms of a biotin deficiency. Therefore, the two nut variants are the ideal boosters for healthy strong hair.

Apricots Against Split Ends And Hair Breakage

Apricots are not only deliciously delicious, but they also contribute to hair health. The vitamin B5 it contains ensures robust and full hair. This not only protects your hair from breakage and split ends but also shines with a fuller mane at the same time. Your skin also benefits from apricots: The dried version, in particular, tightens our skin and makes it age more slowly. But beware! Too much of the stone fruit can have a laxative effect on our stomach and lead to stomach pain and diarrhea.

Also Read: Foods That Make Hair Beautiful And Delay Grey Hair

Oatmeal For Shiny Hair

Would you like a little (more) shine for your hair? No problem with an extra portion of oatmeal in the morning. Because oatmeal also contains a lot of biotins, which makes your hair shine. The flakes also contain zinc. What many do not know – if there is a zinc deficiency, it can lead to hair loss. Means: For breakfast, you can reach for porridge more often.

Salmon For A Healthy Scalp

Salmon contains valuable omega-3 fatty acids that provide our scalp with sufficient moisture. The proteins in healthy oily fish also ensure healthy and robust hair and help prevent your hair from breaking. As you can see: Salmon contains a basic all-around carefree package for your hair. Skin and nails will thank you whether raw, fried, or grilled because the miracle fish also strengthens these skin areas.

Improved Hair Structure Thanks To The Meat

Now our meat lovers get their money’s worth: Who would have thought that meat also makes for beautiful hair. The high protein content not only prevents hair loss but also improves your hair structure. The extra portion of zinc in beef also positively affects your hair growth. However, every type of meat should not be on the beauty food list. We have to disappoint you if you think of sausages or bacon because only lean meat varieties such as chicken or turkey breast and beef fillet score points with our hair.

Tofu For Strong Hair

If you had to go wrong with point 5 due to your vegan or vegetarian lifestyle, you would get your money’s worth: Tofu is not only animal-friendly but also super healthy for our hair. This is the amino acid lysine, which stimulates and strengthens hair growth. However, since tofu tastes a little bland straight, you can let off steam while seasoning it. For example, ginger, lemongrass, or coriander are ideal for spicing up tofu’s taste.

Lenses For Shiny, Beautiful Hair

The secret weapon of this legume is the trace element zinc. It has a lot to offer and brings shine to our hair. In addition to zinc, lentils are also rich in numerous vitamins, fiber, magnesium, and protein. Ingredients are also true benefactors for your metabolism. Whether in a stew or as a side salad – lentils are super easy to prepare and integrate into your daily diet.

Broccoli For Hair Growth

The green vegetables have very few calories and are therefore at the top of the menu when losing weight – broccoli is also suitable for our hair. Whether as a soup, fried in a wok, or a vegetable casserole, you can give your hair an effective beauty treatment with a daily serving of broccoli. In addition to iron and vitamin C, vegetables contain plenty of folic acids responsible for tissue renewal. Simply put, it makes your hair grow.

Eggs For More Hair

If you are a fitness freak, eggs are the perfect muscle food. But our beauty queens can also benefit from the protein supplier. What many do not know: the fiber protein keratin is an essential component of our hair, and for it to grow, it needs a lot of proteins. And they are in abundance in eggs. In addition, there is the beauty vitamin biotin, which also contributes to healthy hair by actively supporting our hair growth. Processed as omelets, fried eggs, or cooked – there are no limits to the variations.

Sweet Potato For Dandruff

The sweet sister of the well-known potato scores points in terms of taste and has a positive effect on our hair. The vegetables contain beta carotene, an antioxidant pro-vitamin that is particularly beneficial for our scalp. This miracle cure prevents dandruff and ensures that our mowing does not look brittle or dry. But the sweet potato is not only incredibly healthy, but it is also versatile: whether processed as french fries, baked potatoes, or soup.


Extremely healthy, delicious, and conjures up beautiful hair simultaneously – what more could a woman want ?! But not only your hair is supplied with essential nutrients by the culinary all-rounders, but also your whole body. But be careful! The food is not a substitute for a wash cycle. In case of doubt, no egg or a handful of nuts will come close to the scent of fresh morning blossom in your hair. So you still have to wash!

Also Read: How To Make Hair Shiny Naturally

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