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Onion: The Fantastic Medicinal Properties & How To Use It To Enhance Its Benefits

Onion, food that we almost always have at home to be used both raw and cooked in an infinite number of recipes. But what are its medicinal properties, and how should we use it to maximize its benefits? The onion (Allium Cepa) is part of the same family of garlic, shallot, leek and chives. It is a typical vegetable of our culinary tradition whose characteristic taste is often highlighted rather than its properties. The benefits that the consumption of onion offers are instead taken into significant consideration. It should be consumed more often to take advantage of its properties, a bit like garlic.

Onion: Property

It boosts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It also contains reasonable amounts of quercetin, a flavonoid that helps keep cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood at bay, parameters that, if typical, we know are significant to protect the body from risk. Cardiovascular. In addition to fats, onion can also positively affect blood sugar, thus reducing blood sugar levels. Among the most attractive benefits of onion is its antibacterial and antimicrobial capacity. It is, therefore, a bulb capable of preventing the proliferation of microorganisms potentially harmful to health. At the same time, it can stimulate the immune system.

The onion is also an excellent detoxifying remedy with diuretic action. That is, it is due to the great wealth of water that makes it an attractive natural remedy even for those who have to fight the problem of water retention, obviously associated with a correct overall diet and the right amount of physical activity. It is also an excellent expectorant remedy, valuable for cough and cold. It decongests the mucous membranes and can be used when there is a lot of phlegm, bronchitis, sinusitis, etc. 

Natural remedies based on onion are famous (we talk about it further below), such as homemade syrup and the possibility of cutting an onion in two and leaving it on the bedside table during the night to quiet a slight cough free the nose. Other properties of the onion are strengthening bones by protecting them from the risk of osteoporosis and improving mood thanks to the beneficial action of its active ingredients that help regulate hormones such as serotonin. In summary, the onion is:

  1. Antioxidant
  2. Anti-inflammatory
  3. Lowers cholesterol and triglycerides
  4. Lower your blood sugar
  5. Detoxifying
  6. Diuretics
  7. It prevents stomach cancer
  8. Strengthens the bones and prevents osteoporosis
  9. Improve your mood


The benefits of consuming onion or using natural remedies that see it as the protagonist are highlighted in the case of various health problems or circumstances:

  1. High cholesterol and triglycerides
  2. High blood sugar
  3. Cystitis
  4. Skin infections
  5. Water retention
  6. Need for purification
  7. Cough
  8. Cold
  9. Sinusitis
  10. Bronchitis
  11. Cancer prevention
  12. Low mood

How To Use It To Enhance Its Benefits

To make the most of all the properties of the onion, it would be better to consume it raw, as a series of beneficial substances are lost with cooking. Greenlight, therefore, to salads in which chopped onion is added or to a mix such as onion and beans. The disadvantage of consuming this bare bulb can only be a certain discomfort felt both in the eyes that tear and burn and in the mouth. All these slight problems disappear once the onion is cooked.

Suppose it is not possible to consume it raw. In that case, the alternative is to subject it to light cooking, blanching it with other vegetables, perhaps adding a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil, possibly natural. A light sautés, on the other hand, can be prepared by adding water to a teaspoon or two of oil before adding the chopped onion.

As A Natural Remedy

We know that the onion is commonly used in cooking. Still, few people understand that this bulb was also a natural remedy among the most used in folk medicine for many centuries. With onion, you can prepare:

  1. A cough syrup.
  2. A poultice for colds.
  3. A do-it-yourself remedy for hair loss to relieve scars or lower cholesterol. But also cut in half and placed on the bedside table to relieve cough and cold. 


Some types of the spring and summer season, others instead of autumn-winter. Among these, we remember:

  1. Grosse Pitta
  2. White Giant of June
  3. Bianca di Maggio
  4. Onion of August
  5. Round onion from Milan
  6. Onion Vedrine from Florence
  7. Flat Red Onion from Bassano
  8. Onion of the Rocca
  9. Round Golden Onion of Parma
  10. Tropia Red Onion


The onion is a low-calorie bulb. It provides only 26 calories per 100 grams of the product. Therefore suitable for those on a diet and those following a detoxifying diet.

How To Peel It Without Crying?

We all know that once peeled and cut, onions have the annoying effect of making us cry. This is because, during their development, they absorb sulfur, and when we slice them, a substance called alliinase, irritating to the eyes, is released. How then to remedy this inconvenience? 

How To Store It?

This should be stored in a cool and dry place (the ideal temperature is about 10 °) and not in sunlight. This is mainly to avoid sprouting. Therefore, they can be stored in the cellar or pantry, perhaps inside a wicker basket covered with newspaper sheets. If closed, they must be placed in a paper bag. This will avoid the formation of humidity and consequently the proliferation of microorganisms. Therefore the onions will last longer.

A bigger problem presents the preservation of an open onion mainly because of the smell. We recommend that you also slice the onion part that you will not use and freeze it in a freezer bag. The alternative is to keep it in the fridge, perhaps in a particular container to prevent the smell from expanding, and consume it within two days.


Not everyone gets to eat onion without having some side effects. After consuming this food, gastrointestinal problems can appear, especially abdominal pain, gas formation and diarrhea. For example, they are not recommended, if not in small doses and after assessing tolerance, to those who have colitis and to all people who already have intestinal hypersensitivity. Even those with digestive problems or heartburn may not tolerate onion very much, incredibly raw. It is advisable to consume it only in small doses and cook in this case. Finally, remember never to give onions to your pets. For them, this vegetable can be highly toxic.


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