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How To Have Sustainable Food? See Six Essential Habits

Sustainable food is the subject of many debates on issues involving the environment and the food industrialization process. Changing eating habits is essential for sustainability.

The impacts caused by man on the environment can cause damage that is difficult to reverse over the years, but whoever can contribute to a different future must pay attention to the possibilities and opportunities to avoid it.

In this post, we will address a reflection on the importance of healthy eating and how food production can affect the environment. Keep reading to learn six habits that can raise awareness for the environment!

The Importance Of Sustainable Food

Awareness and balanced use of natural resources are fundamental principles of the importance of sustainable food. Good practices will benefit not only health but also the environment in the present and future.

Understanding that small sustainable attitudes in everyday life can change the concept of consumption means a new look at food production processes. With this, the use and disposal gain greater importance and basis.

In the production stages, the preparation and processing of food until it reaches consumers’ tables can be more aggressive and invasive when they do not respect environmental conditions.

How Food Affects The Environment

In addition to health care, worry about food production methods that help you understand what impacts are caused on the planet. The unrestrained use of water and soil is one of the causes of environmental imbalance, from planting to harvesting, from rearing to slaughter.

All the investment and work to get food to the point of consumption cannot be adequately compensated. Waste, along with the occasional disposal of unnecessary effects on the environment, inequality and financial losses, are passed on in the final price of the products.

The numbers are alarming; 128 kilos of food are wasted a year in a world where around 800 million people struggle to eat properly.

This statistic strengthens awareness campaigns  in an uncomfortable place of misconduct about the use of food and containment of despair.

Losses of fruits, vegetables, roots, tubers and meat are considered or call attention to an urgent change in vision, behaviour and habits to preserve nature.

Six Habits That Contribute To The Adoption Of A More Conscious Diet

Raising awareness about using natural resources is a civic duty, as it results in actions in defence of the planet. To enjoy a healthy environment, adults must have good practices and teach children and young people.

Good habits will be decisive for the future; the world population will not suffer from the effects that started in the past. The change must begin now because the small steps become significant actions with a collective reach.

Avoid using packaging and disposables Many packages do not use recycling or logo, which generate waste that takes time to decompose or impacts the quality of soil, water and rivers. Give preference to fresh foods, which allow little packaging or prioritize biodegradable options.

It may not be possible to renounce selected foods, but choose the type of packaging that has reuse or reuse for other fins, delay or disposal and accumulation in the environment.

Reuse Leftover Food

Did you know that in many cases, such as food peels, stalks and seeds, the nutritional value is greater than the food itself? Using 100% of the food can promote a healthier and more prosperous diet.

Like pumpkin seeds and orange peel, the stalks of dark green vegetables, for example, are sources of proteins, vitamins and minerals essential for the body. It is possible to use the stalks in farofa and broths and seeds in salads.

On the internet, you will find recipe ideas — cakes, juices, smoothies — for reusing food leftovers. If you are not ready to prepare recipes and want to take advantage of food leftovers, you can use it in home composting, an ecological process of transforming organic waste into fertilizer.

Even if it is not intended to cultivate vegetable gardens and plants, you can do some good for the planet, prepare the compost and donate it later to those who have the habit of growing it at home.

Store Correctly

The correct food storage will ensure a longer shelf life and avoid waste. Whether in the refrigerator or the cupboard, be careful to observe how the food and the maximum consumption time.

Recycle Household Waste

The garbage generated daily in a house depends on the number of inhabitants and consumption habits. In any case, selecting recyclable and non-recyclable waste is extremely important for the disposal process.

Most cities have collection sheds for paper, glass, plastic and other recyclables. If you want to help and collaborate for the environment’s health, sorting the garbage is an initial step that can and should involve the whole family.

Consume Less Meat

The production of animal foods, mainly red meat, has a harmful environmental impact, considering the amounts of water, land and nitrogen fertilizers used in productive expansion.

Studies in the United States have detected a high percentage of gross energy consumed by cattle, with significant waste in producing and removing methane gas.

You don’t have to become a vegetarian to contribute; just reducing meat consumption will positively affect the environment. 

Consume Natural Foods

Speaking of vegetables, an intake of natural foods, in addition to doing enormous good for health, preventing cardiovascular disease and diabetes, for example, will be favourable to practices to minimize environmental effects.

The production of food of vegetable origin is more respected and without processing that requires high consumption of water, energy or inputs and preservatives. The more natural, the less degradation of the environment.


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