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How Important Is A Healthy Diet

When we talk about healthy eating, what comes to your mind first? For many, a diet is all about eating vegetables and avoiding sugars and fats. Do you believe this too?

Of course, healthy diet includes these guidelines, but that’s not all. Eating correctly, consciously, and nutritionally rich is one of the pillars of a balanced life with total physical and mental health.

Food is fundamental to providing balance to the body, reducing the risk of infections or inflammation, and increasing the body’s immunity and defense. Associated with physical exercise, good sleep, adequate hydration, awareness of what you can provide for your health, and complete physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

What Are The Benefits Of Healthy Eating?

Investing in your food is synonymous with spending fewer resources on medicines, as your primary focus is health maintenance.

Although it is not simple to start a process of food reeducation, with the help of a nutritionist and motivation, it is possible to find balance and have more and more health and quality of life.

Check out some benefits that convince you to insert a balanced diet into your routine. Make it a tool to motivate yourself and change your perception of food.

Maintains The Proper Functioning Of The Body

Energy is vital to maintain all the activities of the organism. This means we need to eat foods that provide the fuel we need to make everything work.

Prevents Disease

Do you know the phrase “you are what you eat”? Although it sounds cliché, this idea is accurate. A balanced and nutrient-rich diet prevents severe and chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, gastritis, and allergies.

In addition, regularly ingesting processed foods rich in trans fats, sugars, chemical additives, hormones, and pesticides, can also trigger a series of problems.

Improves Quality Of Life

When you change your diet and maintain a regular intake of nutrients, your quality of life will improve. Prefer natural foods and a healthy lifestyle. Peel more and unpack less.

Provides More Energy To The Body

Food is our friend and helps us to have more energy and mood during the day. Those who eat well are more willing, even for everyday activities.

Thermogenic foods are very suitable, for example, for those who have a busy life and spend a lot of energy. Some examples of thermogenic foods are cinnamon and ginger.

Increases Life Expectancy

Longevity is directly associated with healthy habits; this is no secret to anyone. And, of course, a balanced diet is part of it. Some foods even have the power to inhibit aging, such as olive oil, garlic, green tea, tomatoes, dark green vegetables, and red fruits, among others.

Improves Sleep Quality

If you have trouble sleeping, changing your diet can help you eliminate insomnia. First, avoid eating large portions of food at night. Eat dinner early and eat something light before bed. Some foods that can help you rest better are passion fruit, flaxseed, oatmeal, warm milk, cabbage, salmon, brown rice, lettuce, and sesame seeds.

Helps In Weight Control

This is the benefit that many people want, to control or lose weight. But it is worth mentioning that to lose weight; it is not enough to diet; it takes a combination of several factors for weight loss to happen healthily and permanently.

Food, physical exercise, good night’s sleep, up-to-date medical exams, and staying away from stress are some crucial points for creating a new lifestyle.

What To Eat To Keep Eating Healthy?

Eating well is not necessarily linked to the amount of food you eat. Everything is based on balanced consumption of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, nuts, meats, dairy products, and seafood.

We should eat at least a portion of each food group daily, among the 3 existing ones, which are: builders (proteins), regulators (vitamins, fibers, and minerals), and energy (carbs and lipids).

Some examples of foods from each group:

  • Builders: Milk, eggs, cheese, meat, fish, chicken, soy, lentils, peas, beans;
  • Regulators: Vegetables, fruits, vegetables;
  • Energy drinks: Bread, pasta, corn, rice, potatoes, sugars, flour, honey, cakes.

It is essential to have professional support to prepare a varied, nutritious menu that meets each of our body’s needs.


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