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Healthy Body: What It Is And How To Reach This Goal

What is a healthy body for you? For most people, what comes to mind when this question is asked is a slender body, free of localized fat, in which all clothes fit well. But many other factors will determine whether a body is healthy or not: willingness to complete day-to-day tasks in a good mood, availability of attention to maintain relationships, enthusiasm to practice exercises and leisure activities, and, of course, the quality of the foods that are ingested in daily meals.

Healthy Body Beyond Measure: Emotional Well-Being Counts Too

Have you ever felt you were taking out any emotional frustration you suffered on food? This is a very common behavior, even though it is unhealthy. Food can be seen as an “escape valve” for anxiety and sadness, as an instant pleasure source. It is a fact that food also needs to play this welcoming role, but balance is fundamental. Exceeding the daily amount of calories due to poor food choices, motivated by an emotional imbalance, puts you further away from a healthy body.

Emotional well-being can be achieved in different ways: through physical exercises, meditation, psychological/psychiatric treatment, and affective exchanges. A good relationship with family and friends is fundamental to feeling good emotions and finding the motivation to pursue your goals. Why not combine business with pleasure, having all your meals at the table, with the company of people you like enjoying a healthy meal?

‍The Importance Of Physical Activity For A Healthy Life: Why You Should Keep Your Body Moving 

The practice of physical exercises is important not only for those who want to promote a greater caloric deficit and thus lose weight. Physical activity is directly related to the greater production of hormones that promote a feeling of well-being, such as endorphins and serotonin. Do you know that feeling of “duty accomplished” that comes when we finish a series of exercises at the gym? That’s what we’re talking about. 

According to researchers at the University of Turku, Finland, higher-intensity exercises can promote greater endorphin release. Practicing HIIT (high-intensity interval training) for 1 hour a day would be the ideal “dose” of exercise to experience a true mood change. The research compared the effect of HIIT and other aerobic practices, such as running, through CT scans.

It is clear that no one will leave a sedentary lifestyle directly for an intense sports practice, and the benefits are also perceived in moderate exercises. The secret is to be constant and gradually increase the time devoted to practice. For some people, opting for group sports can be a way always to have the necessary motivation to have a healthy body. Others will prefer individual practices, which allow them to find a new level of focus and concentration during their performance. The most important thing is to experiment with different types of exercise until you find the one that will bring you the most pleasure in your daily life

Healthy Diet: Foods That Are Good For Your Body

Low carb diet, diet to lose belly fat, diet to lose weight… many diet options can be elaborated, depending on the final objective of each individual. When the goal is to have a completely healthy body, dietary re-education is usually the shortest and safest way to eliminate the habits that lead to weight gain, replacing them with healthy habits that make the body work better. The choice of food at each meal of the day has power over how we feel physically, mentally, and emotionally. Here are some simple and effective healthy eating tips:

Healthy Breakfast

The first meal of the day is also the most important, as it breaks the obligatory fast during sleep and will bring the body the nutrients it needs to start the day. A breakfast consisting of healthy foods also has the power to modulate your appetite for the rest of the day. A person who does not eat breakfast or does not eat it correctly, preferring to consume nutritionally poor foods, will have a much greater tendency to look for high-calorie snacks to meet the body’s energy needs even before lunch. Another hypothesis is to “discount” the hunger left over from the morning when it’s time to eat. In both cases, the tendency is to gain a few pounds over time, in addition to feeling the harmful effects simultaneously: laziness, discouragement, and tiredness…

A healthy breakfast needs real food. This is the main rule for satisfying this meal regarding taste and micro and macronutrients, such as vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and proteins. The detox juice is an interesting option, especially for those who have difficulty feeling hungry in the morning. The drink is made only with natural ingredients, such as coconut water, cabbage, parsley, orange, lemon, beetroot, yam, carrot, and apple, and can even be enriched with functional foods such as chia and flaxseed. Just blend all the ingredients, strain, and drink. If you want, you can sweeten it with honey. 

Healthy Eating For Lunch And Dinner

On a healthy diet, lunch and dinner are opportunities to get a wide range of nutrients. This does not mean that it is necessary to eat a lot: each person has an ideal portion, which supplies the energy needed for the basic functions of the organism and provides the “fuel” for all the other activities we decide to do.

The secret to a healthy lunch and dinner is to make half of the plate consist of greens and vegetables in different colors and preparation methods. To promote food variety, you can take vegetables like eggplant and zucchini to the oven, seasoned with spices and herbs. Purée is a good way to prepare tubers such as yams. Sweet potatoes can be cut into thin slices and baked into chips. The leaves can be served raw, which keeps the amount of fiber the greens contain intact.


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