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Foods That Increase Satiety: Meet These 12 Slimming Allies

The great dilemma of those who need to lose weight is the feeling of hunger. How to avoid attacks on the fridge and the constant feeling of guilt that comes after gluttony crises, always accompanied by the extra kilos? 

How to eat less (and eat better) if your body is screaming for food every moment? Only some things are lost! The fight against constant hunger finds strong allies in foods that increase satiety. 

To eat well and feel full, avoiding industrialized foods and refined and ultra-processed carbohydrates is important. These foods, besides not offering good nutrients for the body, increase anxiety and the feeling of hunger.  

There are physical and psychological aspects related to satiety. So, although sometimes the issue is emotional, some foods help keep us satisfied for a longer time. Thus, they contribute to weight loss. 

Do you want to know what these foods are? We made a selection with 12 options that must be part of your menu!

Foods That Increase Satiety


Various salads are always important to maintain a balanced and healthy diet. Leafy greens are fiber champions and require much chewing, which contributes to satiety. 

Starting your meal with a salad helps signal your brain that you’re taking in calories and nutrients. Another important tip is to include the stalks of greens and vegetables; they are also sources of fiber. 

It takes the brain about 20 minutes to receive signals from the stomach, telling it is full. Thus, the salad is perfect for cutting the hunger signal with fiber, mineral salts, and vitamins. And best of all, it’s low in calories. 


Avocados are rich in fiber and monounsaturated fats. This fruit, when eaten in moderation, reduces appetite. That’s because your fat sends satiety messages to your brain.  


Consumption of oats increases the feeling of satiety because their fibers expand in the stomach. Then they are transformed into a kind of gel resistant to digestion, further prolonging satiety. 

It also supplies the hormone ghrelin, which is responsible for hunger and is a low-glycemic food. Oats can be consumed in different ways, as an ingredient for cakes, for example, and can be sprinkled on fruits. 

Seeds Like Chia And Flaxseed

Seeds are strong allies for satiety. A nourishing blend of soluble fiber and essential fatty acids can be added to smoothies or salads. 

Flaxseed, for example, is integral. Therefore, it helps maintain energy as well as satisfaction. Besides contributing to satiety, Chia is rich in antioxidants, wards off heart disease, and controls and prevents diabetes. 


This legume is a source of fiber and contributes to increased satiety. Its consumption regulates food intake and, associated with a healthy diet, contributes to weight loss.  

In addition, it has several essential nutrients such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and fiber. 


Coconut pulp is high in fiber and good fats. These two substances are capable of increasing satiety by themselves. Coconut is also a source of B vitamins, vitamin C, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, and many minerals. 


Full of good fats and other nutrients, chestnuts and nuts are good oilseed options that can be included in the diet. Besides increasing the feeling of satiety, almonds provide antioxidants, vitamin E, and magnesium. 

Whole Grains

They are cereals with a high content of nutrients and fiber. Eating whole carbohydrates makes you feel full longer. This is because the fibers present in these foods absorb water and remain longer in the stomach.

Also, whole grains have a low glycemic index. This means that they release glucose into the body slowly, providing energy for a longer period. Thus, they hold their hunger for a longer time.  


Proteins are the nutrients that most bring satiety to the body. They spend more calories during their digestion, which is important for increasing the body’s muscle mass. 

When we talk about protein, lean meats, eggs, and dairy might come to mind. These animal foods are protein sources, but you must remember plant-based proteins. 

Beans, in general, lentils, oilseeds, broccoli, spinach, kale, and lettuce. All these, in addition to contributing to the weight loss process, bring countless nutrients and vitamins to the body. 

The protein also acts by producing greater hormonal stimulation. According to the Associação Brasileira de Nutrição (Asbran), a diet low in protein impairs the functioning of the digestive system and generates a vicious cycle of hunger. 

Consuming protein foods stimulates the production of serotonin, the hormone that regulates mood and is also associated with feelings of satiety. When we have a low level of serotonin, the desire to eat the famous and dangerous “junk” increases.   


Also known as “soy cheese,” this food is an excellent source of protein and isoflavones, reducing appetite and food intake. 

Tofu is also a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. While we find 100 mg of calcium in 100g of milk, 100g of tofu has 159 mg of the nutrient and is still low in calories.  


Cinnamon is a strong ally in lowering blood sugar levels. It controls appetite and also increases the speed of metabolism. This spice can be included in recipes or sprinkled over food and drinks. 


Popcorn fibers prolong the feeling of satiety. This is a great option to consume when you beat that anxiety. When do you rummage through the cupboard for chocolate, cake, or french fries that offer comfort? 

When ingesting popcorn, it is necessary to chew a lot, reducing stress. To take full advantage of the nutrients in this food, it is important not to add fat or sugar. 


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