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Foods That Are Good For Hair

Hair health is beyond appearance. The benefits of a good diet are reflected in different parts of the body, such as our hair.

Did you know that there are foods that contribute to the health of your locks, making them more resistant to external and internal agents (rain, heat, pollution, stress, hormonal changes) that we are all subject to daily?

We have selected some foods that will help you maintain a big hair, and why not, a body. And there’s still a special bonus: tips on which foods you should avoid or consume in moderation.

Follow up!


Proteins, Vitamins, And Minerals

Caring for your hair starts from the inside out. The maintenance of the structure of the wires depends on the adequate absorption of proteins, vitamins, and minerals present in your body.

The absence of these nutrients can cause loss of natural oil, dry hair, split ends, and even hair loss. A balanced diet gives your body everything it and your hair need to maintain its natural beauty.

Foods to strengthen your hair, whether straight, wavy, or curly, are mainly rich in protein, such as fish, eggs, meat, gelatin, milk, and derivatives.

Proteins are composed of amino acids, such as keratin, which protect and strengthen the hair, preventing and treating hair loss.

Other nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, are also crucial for healthy hair growth and strength, such as:

Omega 3 – Salmon, sardines, walnuts, flaxseeds;

Vitamin A – Carrots, tomato, papaya;

Vitamin C – Peppers, strawberry, orange, lemon, kiwi, guava (did you know that guava has more vitamin C than lemon?);

Iron – Beets, beans, liver, lean red meat;

Zinc – Pumpkin, peanut, almond, seafood seeds.

Eggs – Contains nutrients that strengthen the hair, such as protein and vitamins D and B, and help the production of keratin, increasing the strength and elasticity of the hair. Consume boiled, fried, or in a delicious omelet, which you can grow and vary the ingredients.

Bell Peppers

Vitamin C protects hair from damage caused by free radicals. It is essential for the production of collagen. Dry hair and split ends are signs of its absence in our bodies. Bell peppers contain a good dose of vitamin C, like citrus fruits, tomatoes, and broccoli.

Pumpkin Seeds And Seafood

If you suffer from a dry scalp, the cause could be a lack of zinc. Zinc helps maintain the function of the oil-releasing glands around the hair follicles, and its absence can lead to this dryness. Oysters, crab, and lobster are some sources indicated to replace this substance. But if you don’t like seafood, pumpkin seeds are also recommended.


Hair becomes more brittle and loses its shine due to low levels of silica, an essential mineral that helps maintain hormonal balance.

An affordable option for replacing silica is to consume oatmeal. You can drink it in smoothies, porridge, or mixed with fruits such as bananas.

Extra tip: look at the supermarket for oatmeal brands sold in plastic packaging. In addition to being cheaper, they come in larger quantities.

The Balance Between Iron And Vitamin C

To prevent hair loss and strengthen the roots, consume iron-rich foods at main meals, such as lean red meat, lentils, and kale. Due to the high concentration of iron, kale has been called “green steak.” But be careful: if the source of iron is of vegetable origins, such as beans, peas, or cabbage, you should also ingest a source of vitamin C such as oranges or peppers.

Power & Maintenance Always

Important to remember that maintenance is everything in life. Keep using the products to hydrate and nourish your hair. The sum of the benefits of food plus constant and adequate maintenance will reflect a result that will fill your eyes and that of your friends.

We know that certain things are almost irresistible, but unfortunately, their uncontrolled consumption can harm our hair and our health throughout our lives.

Sugar – Sugar can interfere with protein absorption and vitamin E levels, which are essential for the health of your hair. You don’t need to cut radically, but try to reduce consumption, opting for natural sources such as honey and avoiding certain habits such as exaggerating sweetening juices and coffee.

Salt – a temptation that we like to put on fries and popcorn and even in salads, but it should be used in moderation. Excess sodium can cause hair loss. Moderate salt consumption keeps your curls full of volume, and your blood pressure will thank you too.

White flour – Starchy foods are broken down into sugar, making hair thinner. Reduce the consumption of cakes, pasta, and even that innocent salt roll.

Extra tip: whole meal bread is more harmful than salt bread or French bread, as it contains more significant amounts of flour and grains, which, when processed in the digestion, will produce more sugar than the so-called typical bread.

Soft drinks – Soft drinks contain:

  • Excessive processed sugar.
  • High fructose corn syrup.
  • Artificial sweeteners.
  • Chemical-laden dyes cause your hair to become dehydrated.

Alcohol – Drinking in moderation and many direct health benefits prevent the loss of zinc, folic acid, vitamin B, and vitamin C levels in your body. But what does this represent for your curls? It weakens the hair, hinders its growth, contributes to hair loss. Reducing consumption will help to maintain and even achieve the desired hair.


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