

Six Pack In Women: With This Workout, You Will Get Washboard Abs

Women and six-packs? That fits absolutely! A flat, muscular stomach is the status symbol of fitness enthusiasts. When it flashes over the edge of the...

Split Training – What Does That Mean?: Why It’s So Effective

The training effect leaves a lot to be desired? High time for split training! This is how you do your workout in portions to...

Back Workout: Seven Exercises For A Strong Back

Prevent unpleasant back pain? It's possible with eight-minute back training. We shows you how to set new stimuli in your back muscles and, at...

Perfect For Winter: The Best Protein Soups For Weight Loss

They warm up from the inside, are easy to prepare and score with healthy ingredients: soups are our favorite dish for the cold season....

Fitness Trend Crawling: This Exercise Is Even More Effective Than Planking – And Creates A Six-Pack

Are you bored of planks? Then try your hand at crawling! The bear crawl is now the fitness trend and turns your stomach into...

Ginger Has Slimming Properties And Its Medicinal Uses

Ginger is regularly used in many culinary dishes because of its unique taste. But did you know that it also has slimming properties? Because of...

Fitness Exercises For At Home In Times Of The Corona Crisis

Many fitness centers are closed, and many people are forced to stay at home. But sport is particularly important in times of the coronavirus....

Jogging Without A Break: How To Do 30 Minutes At A Time

Do you feel like a marathon for 30 minutes of jogging without a break? Then you are exactly right here. We have created a...

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