

Atkins Diet: How Fat Makes You Lean

The Atkins diet is just right for meat and sausage fans. Animal fats are welcome on this diet, but bread, pasta, and sugar are...

Plant Power: 7 Plant-Based Protein Sources For Your Diet

Anyone who lives vegan does not have to be afraid of a protein deficiency. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to make your diet consciously high...

Lose Weight: You Can Safely Forget These Five Diet Tips

From detox cures to high or low-fat diets to fasting: It's easy to lose track with so many weight loss concepts. But not all...

7 High Protein Fruits That Help You Lose Weight

When we think of protein sources, we think of meat, eggs, low-fat quark, and legumes – but what about fruit? These seven types of...

Healthy Sleep: The Best Foods Before Bed

A well-ventilated room, rest, and relaxation are essential for a good night's sleep. But your diet also has an impact on the quality of...

Fit For Autumn: Three Drinks That Strengthen The Immune System

A robust immune system is essential in autumn. These delicious drinks, which can easily be mixed at home, support the immune system so that...

Midday Slump: 5 Tips For More Momentum After Lunch

After lunch, you often feel tired, sluggish, and oversaturated - who doesn't know that? These five tips will help you overcome the midday slump. The...

Low-Calorie Dinner: The Best Recipes For Weight Loss

For fat-burning to run optimally overnight, you need a low-calorie dinner. We have tons of tips and recipes for you to help you lose...

High Blood Pressure: Natural Remedies And Prevention

They are fed with a bit of salt and a lot of Omega 3. Excellent olive oil, garlic, and oats. No smoking, no physical...

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