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Banana Split Cake: Heavenly No-Bake Recipe

Most people have probably eaten banana splits at some point in their lives. Did you know that the classic sundae also tastes lovely as a cake? We’ll tell you a simple recipe that doesn’t require the oven.

Banana split is one of the absolute classics among sundaes and is very popular with many. That doesn’t surprise us because the combination of banana, vanilla, or chocolate ice cream and crunchy slivers of almonds is a real treat for the palate.

If your favorite ice cream parlor isn’t within reach or you don’t feel like ice cream, we recommend trying your hand at a banana split cake. The cake succeeds without baking, which reduces the amount of work enormously.

The banana split cake is not only quick and easy to prepare but above all convinces with its taste. The base of the banana split cake is a crunchy chocolate base made from biscuits. The whole thing is topped with sweet bananas, a cream cheese filling, Nutella, and slivers of almonds.

Banana Split Cake: Easy Recipe

You don’t need much preparation time for the banana split cake because the dessert is prepared in just a few steps. For the topping, we prefer to use Nutella and crunchy almond sticks. If you want it to be quick, you can decorate the banana split cake with cocoa powder.

You Need These Ingredients:

  • 200 g chocolate biscuits
  • 100 grams of butter
  • One lemon
  • 800 grams of cream cheese
  • 100 grams of sugar
  • 300 grams of cream
  • Five bananas
  • 100g Nutella
  • 50 g almond sticks

And This Is How The Preparation Succeeds:

  1. Crumble the chocolate biscuits into small pieces. Briefly microwave the butter so that it is very soft or runny. Put the biscuit crumbs in a bowl with the butter and mix.
  2. Prepare a small baking tray (approx. 30 x 24 cm) or a large casserole dish, grease with butter, or line with baking paper. Spread the chocolate-butter mixture over the base of the mold and press down to create an even base. Chill for about half an hour.

Tip: If you don’t have a baking tray, you can also use a springform pan. Depending on the size, you may have to reduce the ingredients.

  1. Squeeze the lemon and put the juice in a bowl. Add cream cheese and sugar and mix well.
  2. Put the cream in a separate container and whip until stiff. Then carefully fold into the cream cheese-sugar mixture.
  3. Peel the bananas and cut lengthways into three parts.
  4. Put about half of the cream cheese mixture on the chocolate base. Place the banana pieces on top and then cover with the remaining cream cheese mixture.
  5. Melt the Nutella in a water bath. Put the slivers of almonds in a pan and toast them. Ensure that the almond sticks are only slightly browned at the end and are not too crispy.

8.Scoop up the liquid Nutella with a spoon and swirl it over the cream cheese mixture so that many tiny threads form. Use enough Nutella to cover the cake well. Finally, decorate the banana split cake with the almond sticks. Enjoy your meal!

We wish you a lot of fun imitating and enjoying. You are welcome to send us a photo of your result on Instagram or Facebook – we look forward to it!


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