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Back Workout: Seven Exercises For A Strong Back

Prevent unpleasant back pain? It’s possible with eight-minute back training. We shows you how to set new stimuli in your back muscles and, at the same time, build more tension in your entire body.

An uncomfortable feeling becomes noticeable – pain in the upper or lower back can severely limit everyday life. But with the right exercises, such painful pain can be prevented in advance. 

If you are looking for preventive exercises, the eight-minute back workout is the right place for you.

We explains and shows you which exercises are essential and why other muscle groups are crucial for the back. 

All you need for the workout is a mat, a few weights, and body weight. You decide for yourself which weights and intensity you choose to set new stimuli for your muscles.

Seven Exercises For A More Muscular Back

These seven exercises primarily target your lower and upper back muscles, but the abdominal muscles also play a significant role in this workout. Because as the opponent of the back, the stomach is often neglected too much. 

Stability in the back muscles is only required with a strong stomach so that the risk of a hollow back or other poor posture is reduced. For this reason, exercises such as planks into the eight-minute workout. 

It would help if you had dumbbells and kettlebells ready to do exercises like deadlifts with weights as equipment. The choice of consequences depends on your strength.

It is essential that you can perform every exercise cleanly and in a controlled manner with these weights – because a lot doesn’t always help a lot. 

Here’s how it works: The workout consists of seven exercises, each performed for 15 repetitions. Only with the planks do you perform the exercise for 30 seconds. Take a break of 20 seconds between the individual activities.



The first exercise is about activating the opponent, i.e., the abdominal muscles, so a fundamental tension builds up in your entire body. Put your elbows below your shoulders for the plank and bring your hands together. 

Put your legs back hip-width apart and form a straight line. Now you lift your body and build tension in your buttocks and abdominal muscles.

With each inhalation, you focus on keeping the tension in your muscles upright and your back straight. 

Don’t you have the strength to hold the position longer? No problem. You can briefly lower your knees to the floor and finally lift your hips again.

Try to hold the plank position for three seconds until you lower your knees again. So you feel your way closer to a regular plank with each workout. 

Diagonal Back Extensor

With the second exercise, you concentrate primarily on your back extensors and glutes, but the abdominal muscles are also used because the entire body has to maintain tension.

To do this, stand on four feet and place your knees below your hips. Now stretch one leg back to form a straight line with your body. In contrast, you extend one arm forward. In this state, your body is hurt.

For the actual movement that initiates the extension, pull your leg and arm in towards the middle of your body.

The elbow moves towards the knee, and your gaze follows the elbow. When you stretch out again, your eye follows the palm of your hand so that your back experiences an intense stretch. 

After 15 repetitions, switch legs and arms. 

Ski Jumper

In the third exercise, too, you focus on your back extensor and lie down with your stomach on your mat.

Place your arms next to your body with your palms facing the ceiling. Your legs should be shoulder-width apart and should also be on the floor. 

Now you lift your upper body slightly, thereby stretching your back muscles. But be careful: you shouldn’t overstretch yourself.

Hyperextension can lead to minor injuries and should therefore be avoided. In the downward movement, the upper body does not touch the floor, as this permanently maintains tension on the back extensor and thus creates a more significant stimulus. 

Make sure you breathe in as you move up and breathe out as you move down. It would help if you also avoided jerky movements and did the exercise slowly and in a controlled manner. 

Hip Extensor

With the hip extensor, you primarily stimulate the gluteal muscles, but the back also has to work actively to maintain the excellent tension. For the exercise, lie on your back and pull your legs up. 

Now move upwards from your hips until your upper body is straight with your thighs. Make sure that you keep the tension in your buttocks during the movement.

As you move down, your hips slowly move towards the floor but don’t touch it. Shortly before touching, you initiate the upward movement again. 

Is this variant easy for you? As an option, you can straighten out one leg at a time so that it forms a straight line with your entire body.

As a result, the stress on the buttocks and the entire body tension is significantly more intense. 

Bent Over Rowing

Get on the iron – for the fifth exercise, grab your dumbbells and stand hip-width apart. Now stretch your hips back and bend your knees slightly. You also turn your back slightly forward but make sure that it always stays in a straight position. 

First, your arms hang relaxed in front of you. Now pull the dumbbells up to the sides of your body so that your elbows work along your body.

In the downward movement, you should do the full extension so that the muscles can take advantage of the maximum movement. 

When choosing your weights, make sure that you can perform the movement correctly. Your back muscles will only benefit from the exercise if you pull the dumbbells up far enough to be able to strain all of your muscles. 


Now switch from the dumbbells to your kettlebell and lay it down in front of you. Now you stand hip-width apart behind your kettlebell and stretch your hips backward.

Bend your back slightly forward and grab the weight. The back should stay straight, and the head should extend the spine. 

You straighten up in a controlled but dynamic manner with a firm grip and stand upright. It would help if you didn’t lean into a hollow back, as this could cause injuries.

Only when you have straightened yourself up entirely do you slowly lower the weight and repeat the sequence of movements. 

Make sure that your back is permanently straight because even if the weight becomes increasingly heavy, the back should not be curved. 

Butterfly Reverse 

In the last exercise, you load the upper back, the back shoulder, and the abdominal muscles to ensure sufficient stability. To do this, grab your dumbbells again and bend your knees slightly.

Now you bend your upper body forward so that your back is almost parallel to the floor. 

Your arms with the dumbbells are stretched out towards the floor, thereby stretching your muscles.

Now work your arms straight to the side until your arms are straight with your shoulders. Again, you should avoid overstretching, which can lead to shoulder injuries. 

In the downward movement, make sure you move slowly and in a controlled manner and try to make optimal use of the extension. 

This Is How Effective The Back Workout Is

With the seven back workout exercises, you can optimally strengthen your back muscles and thus prevent future back pain. But your abdominal muscles also benefit from this training and ensure more stability in the entire body as an opponent of the back. 

Since you can choose the weight of your dumbbells and kettlebells yourself, you determine the intensity with which you want to carry out the training, and you can increase yourself step by step. 

Whether in the gym or at home – you decide where, when, and how often you want to do the individual exercises. Concentrate on your personal feelings and your motivation. 

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