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Vitamins That Strengthen Immunity

Vitamins A, B, C, and D are some of the primary nutrients that strengthen the immune system. Allied to lifestyle, they can be acquired...

Which Vitamins And Nutrients Should You Take If You Are Already 40 To Avoid Deficiencies?

The need for nutrients varies over time: after the age of 40, more attention should be paid to any deficiencies, particularly of these vitamins...

Menopause Diet: What Foods To Limit Symptoms?

Menopause is the cessation of ovarian function in women. In other words, this is when the ovaries stop producing eggs and secreting estrogen and...

The 5 Virtues Of Organic Pineapple In Cosmetics

Pineapple is a fruit that is as delicious as it is effective in natural cosmetics! Discover with us the 5 virtues of this exotic...

Vitiligo: Causes, Treatments, And Prevention

Vitiligo: A chronic and progressive disease that primarily affects the face and hands. But it is not contagious. Nutrition and precautions to prevent it Vitiligo Vitiligo...

Oat Flakes: Beneficial Properties And Tasty Recipes

Oats are one of the most cultivated and used cereals in the world, not only in the production of animal feed but also for...

Nettle: Characteristics, Properties And Its Benefits

Botanical Characteristics Nettle (Urtica dioica L.) is a perennial herbaceous plant widespread in Europe, Asia, North Africa, and North America. However, its origins date back...

Nails Breaking? Natural Remedies To Strengthen Them

If your problem is brittle nails that split, pay attention to it! Every body part must be listened to because it can reveal a...

To What Extent Is Hair Loss Considered Normal?

Despite being a warning factor for many people, hair loss is a natural process for all mammals, including humans. However, unlike animals, which change their...

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