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Properties Of Lemon, Benefits, And Contraindications

Carpaccio is made or consumed with simple water in herbal teas, tea, and chicken-based recipes. Lemon is a typical citrus fruit of the Italian tradition and is always present in our homes. A very fragrant yellow fruit, whose peel can be used in some culinary recipes, first of all, to prepare desserts.

Not only that, when all the lemon juice has been squeezed, what remains of the fruit can be used to make the crystal glasses shine or to clean the steel kitchen tops.

The properties of lemon are more or less known. It is almost a duty for many people as we feel it is very close to our local tradition. However, this citrus fruit, which should never be missing in our diet, is native to Asia. A thousand years ago, it was imported by the Arabs to the Mediterranean. It was love at first sight. Could such a versatile fruit fail to conquer a people like ours, a cooking lover?

Today Italy is the leading lemon producer in the world. We find the Sicilian ones among the best Italian lemons, especially the monachello and the feminello.

Properties Of Lemon

  • Antioxidant: among the benefits of lemon is that of release, thanks to the robust presence of vitamin C and many antioxidants that work against free radicals. It, therefore, performs a necessary action both against degenerative diseases and against the aging of internal and external tissues. Lemon juice especially keeps the body healthy;
  • Improves the immune defenses: thanks to the many vitamins in lemon, it keeps the body’s natural defenses high against viruses and bacteria. Lemon, like orange, is recommended to prevent fever, cold, sore throat, and other health problems;
  • Against gallbladder stones: lemon is a potent adjuvant to destroy gallbladder stones;
  • Depurative: There is undoubtedly the lemon among the most famous and appreciated detoxifying foods. In this regard, it should be consumed in the morning, mixing its juice with water. It should then be drunk on an empty stomach. In this way, the intestinal functions are rebalanced, and the body is induced to expel the harmful substances it has accumulated;
  • Strengthens Blood Vessels: Rich in vitamin B3, lemon enhances the blood vessels of the body, thereby preventing various heart and circulatory problems;
  • It prevents thrombosis: it is an excellent anticoagulant; therefore, it keeps the blood more fluid thanks to the presence of citric acid;
  • Against acidity: it will seem strange to hear that lemon (with a very sour taste) is an excellent natural remedy against gastric acidity. Indeed, you usually hear the exact opposite! However, this citrus fruit leads the body to form alkaline carbonates, which act against the states of acidity;
  • Fights nausea: lemon is a product widely used to create digestive classics, which are served in restaurants to “swallow” dinners that are too heavy. It is no coincidence that it is an excellent natural remedy against nausea, both of the small quantities of its fresh juice and that obtained from boiled lemon peel ;
  • Prevents arteriosclerosis: lemon, especially its juice drunk fresh with water, helps prevent arteriosclerosis;
  • Whiten your teeth: consuming lemon juice or, better yet, using it to brush your teeth helps keep them white and healthy, also preventing cavities;
  • Natural antibacterial: perhaps one of the best-known properties of lemon is its antibacterial and antimicrobial action. Disinfects both internally and externally. Lemon juice is also used to create various beauty products;
  • Lowers Uric Acid Levels: Vitamin C contained in lemon reduces uric acid. When it is too high, it can lead to problems such as gout, kidney failure, and kidney stones;
  • Anti-tumor: Some research points out that lemon may also have some anti-tumor effects, especially against those that affect the intestine, pancreas, liver, and stomach.

Lemon Substances

The properties of lemon, as we have seen, are numerous. It is used in food to flavor and has many beneficial effects, prevents problems, and solves minor daily issues. Lemon contains mainly vitamin C, citric acid, pinene, limonene, vitamins A, B, calcium, manganese, and sugars.

Contraindications Of Lemon

Lemon has no particular contraindications. Everyone can take it, even pregnant women, breastfeeding women, or small children. However, there are some exceptional cases to which we must pay attention.

For example, those suffering from gum inflammation should initially avoid drinking pure lemon juice and only drink it diluted with water. Another contraindication is for those suffering, for example, from liver failure or diseases that can compromise the body’s ability to transform citric acid during digestion.

Finally, a common mistake people make is to add lemon juice to boiling water, for example, when making tea. It does not cause problems, but the excellent properties of the lemon are “only” compromised.


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