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Properties And Benefits Of Himalayan Pink Salt

Precious and with numerous properties: is the pink Himalayan salt so portentous? Let’s find out the benefits, contraindications, and how to use them. Some consider it the healthier alternative to common table salt, and those who, on the other hand, believe that it is only a commercial gimmick. In any case, it is undeniable that pink salt has become very popular for a couple of years, so much so that it is even counted among the superfoods of our century. 

Natural and uncontaminated, it owes its color to the presence of some minerals (in particular iron and copper ), which it keeps intact after extraction because it is not subjected to any chemical treatment. According to connoisseurs, the Himalayan pink salt is the most precious and ancient quality, very rich in properties and benefits for the body.

Purifying, detoxifying and refreshing, it contains 84 trace elements and promotes the organism’s well-being not only through its food use. The pink salt of the Himalayas is also often used in cosmetics and the medical field to treat numerous ailments. But is it as portentous as they say? And above all, is it true that it hurts less than the common sodium chloride? Here’s everything you need to know about pink salt.

Properties And Benefits Of Pink Salt

The pink salt of the Himalayas is a rock salt, an old chemical compound of a fossil nature, crystallized over 200 million years ago following the evaporation of the ocean and the consequent formation of the Himalayan mountain range. It, therefore, represents a primordial product. A pure natural residue escaped from pollution, enriched with minerals and trace elements that are absent in refined salt.

In fact, in addition to sodium chloride, which represents 95% of its composition, in the pink salt, there are also small quantities of copper, zinc, iron, chlorine, potassium, calcium, iodine, and many other mineral elements capable of producing various benefits on the ‘body. In particular, it seems that pink salt has rebalancing properties of the pH and hydration of the cells, promotes the correct functioning of the metabolism, improves blood circulation, facilitates the absorption of nutrients, and promotes the proper functioning of the kidneys.

Not only that but pink salt is also considered an excellent detoxifying food because it promotes the dissolution of waste and toxins and the elimination of heavy metals from the body. When not used as a condiment in the kitchen, it is an excellent ingredient for preparing cosmetics and regenerating treatments. When added to hot bath water, it helps fight dermatitis and dry skin due to its disinfectant properties. It can also be used as a scrub if rubbed on wet skin or stored in cloth bags to be heated and placed on the painful parts of the body for immediate relief.

Contraindications: What Are The Disadvantages Of Its Use?

The many benefits of pink salt listed so far often contrast with the ‘ disadvantages ‘ and contraindications that the use of this compound can entail. They are starting from the fact that it is not a zero-kilometer product and, therefore, sustainable. The pink salt of the Himalayas is extracted in Pakistan in mines located 300 kilometers from the mountain range, through intensive methods, and in very harsh working conditions. 

Considering that the most critical extraction site (the Punjab mine) allows about 250 million tons of pink salt to be marketed per year, the risk is that the increase in demand could inevitably lead to the destruction of natural heritage. naturalistic of inestimable value. However, from the point of view of the properties, some scholars have highlighted the lack of scientific evidence attesting to the actual benefits of pink salt compared to ordinary salt. 

What emerges from some research is that the quantities of minerals in this particular salt are so small that they do not allow it to benefit the body. Finally, it should be noted that, even in the presence of any beneficial properties, nothing can justify the abuse of pink salt in the kitchen since this variety also contains sodium chloride. As we have already seen, too much salt is bad for the body.


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