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Suddenly You Have Hair On Your Chin? 5 Possible Reasons Every Woman Should Know

Chin hair that suddenly grows can be an indication of a severe illness. What else can be behind it?

Excessive hair, no matter where on the body, is annoying. But what is particularly irritating are those who suddenly appear and don’t belong there – for example, on the chin. Sure, you can pluck it away, but: doesn’t it have to be something fishy when hair suddenly pops up? So much should be said in advance: It can, but does not have to be.

How Much Hair On The Chin Normal?

All women have a certain amount of hair on their chin. Most of the time, they are skinny and light. But it can also happen that a few large, dark hairs sprout from time to time – these are also entirely normal. Male hormones are responsible for the latter, for example, androgens or testosterone, which we women naturally produce in small quantities. It has to be like this.

But: If the hair on the chin starts to grow excessively and is darker and thicker than usual, it can mean that something is wrong.


The Five Most Important Reasons For Increased Hair Growth On The Chin

Insulin Resistance Or Type 2 Diabetes

Aside from that, too much sugar makes you fat; it can be hazardous to our health, namely when the pancreas starts to twitch. This is where insulin is produced, the only hormone that can lower blood sugar levels. 

It works like a key that unlocks the body cells and lets the sugar in. If this system is stimulated too much through long-term, far too high consumption, the pancreas first reduces insulin production until, in the worst case, it stops completely. The result: the sugar no longer gets into the cells and concentrates in the blood. Heart problems, inflammation, and diseases such as type 2 diabetes can occur.

Another scenario: the cells no longer react to insulin – then the sugar also remains in the blood. And the consequences are more or less the same. In addition: Insulin resistance can also increase the testosterone level in the blood. Depending on how high it rises, the dark hairs sprout. Signs of type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance are extreme thirst and excessive urination.

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome, Or PCOS For Short

According to the Office for Women’s Health (OWH), around ten percent of women of childbearing age are affected by cysts that grow on the ovaries and prevent eggs from maturing. In addition, PCOS can affect hormone levels and lead to weight gain and acne, and increased hair growth. In this case, “androgen-dependent” areas such as the chin are particularly affected.

Ovarian Or Adrenal Tumors

It sounds harsh, but it can be a cause. Because: Although we do not know what triggers these tumors, we do know that they often increase the production of androgens in the body. Additional symptoms can include pelvic pain and extremely irregular menstrual bleeding. So: I’d instead go to the doc once more; it can’t hurt.

Cushing’s Syndrome

This hormonal disorder can result from persistently high cortisol levels in the blood. The latter is produced in the adrenal gland and is a stress hormone. If you take cortisone in tablet form, for example, against inflammation, Cushing’s syndrome could also occur as a complication. A clue would be a lot of dark and bristly hair on the chin. Other symptoms are parchment skin, i.e., fragile skin, acne, and extreme weight gain.


If you are pregnant, the hormones go crazy at first. In addition to the estrogen, the testosterone level also rises. If this is balanced, everything is fine. If the latter predominates, increased hair growth can occur again.

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