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What Are The Benefits Of Kiwi?

The kiwi fruit is mainly known for its antioxidant effect. But that’s not it’s only virtue: this acidic food is a natural health ally. Find out what are the benefits of this fruit native to China.

The kiwi, also called “vegetable mouse”, “Yang Tao” (in Chinese) or “Chinese gooseberry”, is a staple of brunches. This winter fruit with brown and soft skin has delighted the taste buds of young and old for several years. In smoothie, jam, pie, coulis, in a fruit salad or simply in slices, kiwi can be eaten in all sauces, for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.

However, add it before serving if you want to mix it with a dairy product, such as yoghurt or other fruit. Indeed, this winter fruit can make dairy products turn and soften the fruits because of its high actinidin content. While its acidity has seduced some, others are less fond of it. However, its many health benefits make them all agree.

What Is The Name Of The Kiwi Tree?

The kiwi, which takes its name from the New Zealand bird, belongs to the Actinidiacar family. Originally from Shaanxi Province, China, it was imported to Europe at the end of the 19th century and to New Zealand. Its particularity: its culture is adapted to a “tropical mountain” climate. Contrary to popular belief, this “plant mouse” does not come from a tree but a liana. Indeed, the kiwi grows on a climbing shrub called actinide, which takes on the appearance of a liana.


Kiwi: How Do You Know If It’s Still Good?

Has your kiwi fruit been in the crisper of your refrigerator for several days or weeks? Before consuming it, examine it to see if it is still edible. To do this, check that brown or green mould spots are not present on his skin. Another tip: observe the appearance of his skin; if it is dry and wrinkled, it is best not to eat it. To find out if the kiwi is rotten, you can also smell it. If it smells strong, throw it out.

When selecting kiwifruit, make sure it is light brown and soft to the touch. If it is quiet, it means it is overripe. To keep it for several days, you can place it in your refrigerator in a semi-open box to limit condensation and degradation.

What Are The Vitamins In A Kiwi Fruit?

This “Chinese gooseberry” is recognized as a concentrate of vitamin C (92.7mg per 100g); it allows you to fill up with energy. However, this is not it’s only benefit. Kiwifruit also contains vitamin B, including vitamin B1 (0.017mg per 100g), B2 (0.025mg per 100g), B3 (0.34mg per 100g), B5 (0.18mg per 100g), B6 ​​(0.092mg per 100g) and B9 (33.5mg per 100g). Vitamin B prevents cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and depression. It also plays a role in metabolism, the production of red blood cells and the synthesis of sex hormones. This fruit, originating in China, is also composed of vitamin E (1.46mg per 100g) and K1 (40.3µg per 100g).

What Are The Nutritional Values ​​Of Kiwi?

Low in calories, the kiwi is rich in vitamins and minerals and trace elements. Potassium is one of the first minerals found in large quantities in this winter fruit. It is closely followed by phosphorus, calcium and magnesium. To these minerals are also added zinc, sodium and iron in smaller quantities.

Nutritional Contributions:

  • Sugar: 7.89g per 100g
  • Potassium: 297 mg per 100g
  • Phosphorus: 33.4mg per 100g
  • Calcium: 27.5mg per 100g
  • Sodium: 1.99mg per 100g
  • Zinc: 0.082mg per 100g
  • Magnesium: 14.3mg per 100g
  • Iron: 0.17mg per 100g
  • Vitamin C: 92.7mg per 100g
  • Vitamin K1: 40.3µg per 100g

What Are The Benefits Of Kiwi?

Intestinal transit, scarring, weight loss, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease … The kiwi is a mine of virtues.

  • The kiwi reinforces the immune system: this winter fruit gives peaches. The kiwi, an actual concentrate of vitamin C, known to fight against fatigue and ageing, strengthens our immune defences and boosts our energy to face winter.
  • Kiwi is a slimming ally: low caloric density but high satiating power. If you intend to lose weight, go for this fruit.
  • Say goodbye to constipation with kiwi fruit: yes, this fruit with smooth skin is good for intestinal transit. The kiwi acts on constipation problems, thanks to its dietary fibre content. It is also rich in actinidin, an enzyme that promotes the digestion of animal proteins. The kiwi is, therefore, an ally against constipation.
  • The kiwi promotes healing: who would have thought that the kiwi was a healing agent? No one. However, it is indeed the case. A study carried out by the University of Isfahan in Iran on rats shows that this fruit promotes the healing of wounds. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it would even be more effective than a traditional antimicrobial cream.
  • The kiwifruit, an ally against cancer: according to research carried out by the University of Oslo, carried out in 2003, the kiwifruit would prevent certain types of cancer because it would prevent the oxidation of DNA, one of the possible causes of the appearance of certain cancers. In this study, the researchers found a decrease in DNA oxidation and an increase in the antioxidant capacity of the blood in volunteers who had consumed one kiwi fruit per day for three weeks.
  • Kiwifruit prevents anaemia: do you have an iron deficiency? The kiwi fruit is the perfect fruit to prevent or fight against anaemia. Rich in vitamin C, it increases iron absorption and allows you to fill up with this trace element.
  • The kiwi protects the heart: this fruit has cardioprotective potential. It would reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, according to a study conducted by the University of Oslo, carried out in 2003. According to the survey, consuming two or three kiwis a day for a month decreases platelet aggregation and blood triglycerides, two factors associated with cardiovascular disease.

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