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Obesity: Everything You Need To Know

The first results from combining genetic susceptibility with environmental factors, such as the abundance of low-cost, palatable foods.

For a person to develop obesity, they usually have changes in habits and lifestyle.

Another consensus cause of the increase in obesity in the industrialized world is the consumption of a large proportion of calories derived from fat associated with a sedentary lifestyle. In addition to eating incorrectly, the individual does not practice any physical activity – which worsens this condition.

Troubled Sleep

Anyone who imagines that the main causes of obesity are linked only to a sedentary lifestyle and diet is wrong. In addition, other factors may contribute to this scenario, such as sleepless nights.

When we rest, serotonin, a hormone responsible for our mood, turns into melatonin, which promotes restful sleep. When this happens, the body’s cells can properly stimulate the fat plates, promoting burning.

On the other hand, if we do not sleep properly and wake up several times throughout the night, the so-called hormonal imbalance decreases the body’s ability to produce glucose, making the individual feel like consuming foods rich in glucose during the day. Sugar and carbohydrates.

The Types Of Obesity

Obesity can be divided into three categories according to its degree and severity. Below we will show you what they are.

Homogeneous Obesity

This type of obesity is characterized by excess fat accumulated homogeneously in the human body, that is, in the upper and lower limbs and the abdomen.

Android Obesity

It is the one that appears in the shape of an apple, being more present among males or in women who are experiencing the menopause period. In this context, the person usually accumulates fat in the thoracic and abdominal region, thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular complications.

Gynecoid Obesity

Also known as “pear,” it is more present among females. This category presents excess fat in the lower part of the human body, such as the buttocks, thighs, and hips. Gynecoid obesity also encourages the appearance of varicose veins and arthrosis.

Obesity And A Sedentary Lifestyle

Just do a quick internet search, and you’ll notice: most studies on obesity and physical inactivity show that obese children and adults are significantly less active than individuals with a healthy body weight.

Consequently, more physically active people tend to have a lower Body Mass Index (BMI) than their sedentary counterparts. In addition, this same portion of the population usually has a greater muscle mass.

And there’s more: even though calorie consumption increases, when we perform physical activity frequently, fat burning — or rather, adipose tissue — is infinitely higher. This information leads us to believe that people who invest in physical exercise as part of their weight loss program are more successful in keeping “on track with the scales.”

For this reason, exercise, along with a balanced diet, can not only improve health but also contribute to maintaining ideal body composition.

And The Famous Metabolism?

In addition to increased calories expended during exercise, there is some evidence that resting metabolism increases for a prolonged period after physical activity. Individuals can burn calories in three different ways. Are they:

Resting Metabolism

It is the energy expended to maintain the body’s temperature and systems. It remains relatively stable over time. It corresponds to approximately 60% to 70% of daily energy expenditure. About 70% to 80% of this component varies according to lean mass, age, sex, hormones, sympathetic nervous system, and fat mass.


It corresponds to increased resting metabolism in response to food intake, exposure to high or low temperatures, and psychological stress. It accounts for 5% to 15% of daily energy expenditure. The composition of the food consumed influences energy expenditure.


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