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Otoplasty And Postoperative Pain: What Is The Truth?

Cosmetic surgery certainly represents a way to resolve discomfort or low self-esteem. The cause lies in one or more parts of one’s body that one does not like. It generally makes a definitive change, with no possibility of “going back.” This is why we tend to operate only on adults. That is, with a body now formed and the ability to understand the importance of their choice and manage the consequent change.

However, there is a surgery that does not follow this rule: Otoplasty. To find out its peculiarities, I refer you to the section of my site dedicated to it. Ear surgery can even be performed on children as well. And precisely because it is also of interest to such a delicate public, I would like to talk to you today about otoplasty, particularly its postoperative period and any pain it could be associated with.

Otoplasty In Briefs

When we talk about ear surgery, we tend to think it only corrects “fan(s) ears.” Primarily I know. But not only.

What Is Correct?

Exactly can fix:

  1. the protrusion of the pavilion, but not its size,
  2. the size of the lobe or any holes.

The second request is certainly less widespread. Mostly typical of people who have:

  1. used dilators for pierced ears,
  2. Wore heavy earrings that, over time, have transformed the hole into a cut,
  3. She is violently ripping the earring off, perhaps by a child or by entangling it in clothing.

Who Is The Typical Patient?

This surgery is certainly among the most inclusive in terms of audience categories. Of course, it applies to both genders. But the age range is also the widest in cosmetic surgery, from 5/6 years upwards.

  1. Children and protruding (un)ears:
  2. They are already formed in the womb around the sixth month of pregnancy.
  3. We are therefore born already with this defect.
  4. This opens up the possibility of correcting it promptly and without surgery. Eventually, everything would be feasible only by acting promptly. To investigate how and when: “Protruding ears surgery for children: what you need to know.”
  5. In the case of adults, there are generally two lines of behavior:
  6. Those who try to disguise themselves with long hair, caps, or methods that we could define as “palliatives.” To evaluate this route: “Is correcting protruding ears without intervention effective?” and “Protruding ears: intervention or are there natural remedies?”.
  7. Those who instead decide to intervene surgically to permanently eliminate the defect since the result is “forever” after surgery.

How Is The Surgery Carried Out?

  1. Given what it solves and who it refers to, let’s see how it unfolds:
  2. Both local anesthesia, with or without sedation, and general anesthesia are used.
  3. The auricle is folded back through an incision in the back crease of the ear. In some cases, part of the cartilage is removed.
  4. Only a small scar will be behind the ear, in the crease between the skull and the pavilion. 

Therefore, otoplasty is a minimally invasive and easy-to-manage procedure for both the surgeon and the patient. And the result is immediate, even if you have to let it settle in the following 2-3 months.

Otoplasty And Postoperative Care

The return home is the same day, whatever the procedure followed.

  1. The patient will have to manage the postoperative period and any pain. Always under the supervision and advice of the surgeon.
  2. He will have bandages initially and a containment band on his ears later.
  3. The bandage is removed within 24/48 hours.
  4. The band must be kept all 24 hours for the first week. Then only at night for another 4/5 weeks.
  5. It will take the stitches out after a week or two.

How To Get Back To Your Activities

Upon returning home, you can resume your routine. The body is healthy and does not require special rest—only the initial reduction of pace and effort: an active rest.

Movement And Sports

  1. Essential to keep moving. It will make healing faster.
  2. Short 10/20 minute walks will suffice for the first week, maybe a couple a day. They will then become longer and longer and with an increasing rhythm.
  3. Outdoor activity is recommended, but if bruises are present, they must be well covered.
  4. From the second week, it will be possible to resume sport, initially without forcing the rhythms.
  5. Intense sporting activity only after 2-3 weeks.
  6. For the little ones, there is a tendency to leave a lot of freedom from the start, as long as the band on the ears or a hat is used.

Back To Work

We can compare work to physical activity. I know:

  1. In the case of office work, 2 or 3 days will suffice in clean places. The only limit is the elastic band that will accompany you for the first week, even during the day.
  2. In the case of jobs with a more physical impact or in “dirty” places, the wait is extended to at least a week, maybe even more. This will be agreed upon with the surgeon. And the band was kept at least for the first month, during working hours, as a form of protection.

When To Take Your First Shower?

Immediately, or almost. The body has not undergone anything. And for many, the shower also represents a moment of psychophysical relaxation. It can only be useful.

  1. It can be done right away but with some precautions.
  2. For the first 48 hours, the head and ears must not be wet.
  3. After this time, the tepid water will be left to massage the auricle and eliminate the remains of the surgery. Marking pen, disinfectant, but also serum and blood.
  4. The soap must be neutral, and the towel must be clean every time.


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