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Understand How Anxiety And Eating Are Related

As an escape valve, the result is the union between anxiety and compulsive eating. For anxious people, sweets and carbohydrate-rich foods is a form of immediate relief. Tension and worry are no longer felt, but the body asks for more before long. However, anxiety can also be made worse by a lack of certain nutrients and amino acids, which can cause mood swings and affect sleep.

This way, anxiety and eating go together like a vicious circle. Understanding how they relate and which foods harm or improve is essential to having a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. And, of course, less stressful. Want to know how? Keep reading!

Anxiety And Food: The Negative Side

The feeling of immediate pleasure is the main reason people with anxiety prefer “bad” foods. Carbohydrates and high-sugar foods quickly raise blood glucose, which causes insulin to spike. In this way, tryptophan enters the brain and causes a feeling of well-being, albeit quickly.

Furthermore, sugar not only provides relief but serves as a form of quick energy replenishment. As for fat, it makes food tastier. Even though different foods are rich in fat, such as unsaturated, saturated and hydrogenated, the choices will depend on the individual’s eating habits. However, unsaturated fat is good fat, found in nuts and avocados, and should be part of a balanced diet.

Which Foods To Avoid

In addition to foods rich in fat, such as processed foods, fried foods, and soda, refined carbohydrates should also be avoided. White rice, pasta, crackers and white bread, for example, are included in this case. Alcoholic beverages are also villains. Because they generate a quick feeling of euphoria, which can soon have a rebound effect, increasing anxiety.

Therefore, it is possible to notice that anxiety and food are linked and surround us in different situations. It is necessary to make better choices, break vicious circles and not see food as an escape point. But food can also be seen as an ally against anxiety; understand below!

The Positive Side

Vitamins, amino acids and minerals are essential for treating anxiety. Also, tea can decrease stress. Among them are green tea and chamomile. Check out what other nutrients can help:

  • Magnesium: Reduces muscle fatigue, eliminates tension, has antidepressant action and improves sleep quality. It can be found in bananas, chestnuts, spinach, beets, and whole grains, among others;
  • Vitamin C: Besides controlling stress, it also decreases the risks of developing insomnia and anxiety. It also helps produce serotonin, a neurotransmitter responsible for well-being. Vitamin C is present in kiwi, papaya, broccoli, peppers and citrus fruits. 
  • B-complex vitamins: They play an essential role in transforming tryptophan into serotonin. Thus, they fight anxiety, even during PMS. We find it in foods like wheat germ, whole grains, hazelnuts and dark green vegetables.
  • Tryptophan amino acid: essential for converting to serotonin; it can be found in foods such as quinoa, oats, beans, lentils, chickpeas, walnuts, hazelnuts and peanuts. It is also possible to obtain it through manipulated supplements in a specific dose, to meet the needs of each person.

Exercising also helps with anxiety control and provides several health benefits. This way, the search for a healthier lifestyle associated with weight management is ideal.

Seven Symptoms Of Anxiety You Should Be Aware Of

The disorder usually shows signs both in the body and in mind. In an anxious situation, the body reacts immediately, releasing substances such as cortisol and noradrenaline. They keep the body on alert and increase blood pressure and heart rate. This makes it challenging to stay focused on the routine. 

As the body physically responds in the above ways, thoughts also manifest. Between them:


The link between fear and anxiety can have several causes. An irrational fear can be an important event in a person’s life. In addition, it can also arise after a prolonged period of anxiety, which increases the tension.

Too Much Worry

As we said, anxiety is a natural response of the body. However, constant worry can become daily, causing anxiety disorder. In this way, there is great difficulty in forgetting the object of concern even if it does not present a significant risk.


One of the effects of anxiety is difficulty staying calm, and it is common to move arms and legs frequently. It is easy to identify this symptom in cases where there is no reason for such an excessive organism response. 


Anxiety sufferers also experience sudden mood swings, bringing the individual to the brink of a nervous breakdown in some instances. This can happen at the height of stressful moments, like losing your job. 

Muscle Tension

Among the symptoms of anxiety that manifest in the physical aspect, muscle tension is one of the main ones. Joint: back, neck and shoulder pain. The greater the concern, the more likely it is that this pain will be transferred to the cervical region.

Food Compulsion 

One of the most common anxiety symptoms is fridge robbery. Taking out the excessive worry on food is a way to relieve tension. In this way, at the slightest sign of anxiety, the person turns to food as a way to solve the problem. It is a warning sign that can lead to binge eating.

Sleep Changes

Taking your problems to bed before bed is not a good way out. This can result in insomnia or sleep difficulties. After all, the individual cannot “forget” or stop thinking about the next day’s obligations. Therefore, it is essential to keep an eye on this condition, which can impair the quality of life.


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