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Whole Meal Rusks: Properties, Calories, Contraindications

Following a healthy diet is the desire of many people, the same ones who prefer whole meal rusks ones to classic rusks. Although they are highly appreciated by anyone who loves a healthy diet, not everyone knows precisely how these are produced and their nutritional properties. If you have also asked yourself such questions, here below, you can find all the answers you want and find out if whole meal rusks are perfect for human health and are excellent and tasty.

Whole Meal Rusks, What They Are, And How They Appear

Before listing their nutritional properties, we must clarify what we refer to when discussing whole meal rusks. In this regard, it is possible to state that this term refers to foods that derive from cereals and are, therefore, the result of particularly complex recipes. The main ingredient with which the whole meal rusks are made is whole meal soft wheat flour. It is the flour particularly rich in fiber obtained from the grinding process of the seeds of Triticum aestivum. This is the scientific term used to refer to soft wheat or soft wheat. The whole meal rusks have a disc or parallelepiped shape, and the thickness is about 1 cm. The color is golden on the inside and darker on the outside. They are free from crumbs and have a particularly crunchy texture. 

How Exactly Is The Preparation Of Whole Meal Rusks Done?

They result from the leavening of dough prepared with whole wheat flour, barley malt, yeast, salt, and sugar. This dough is left to rise and is then cut and toasted. Furthermore, to make the product crunchy, some fats are added, usually palm oil. Today, many choose to use them as a substitute for bread; whole meal rusks are considered one of the leading breakfast foods or secondary snacks and are placed between the main meals. Many consume whole meal rusks by associating them with sweet, spreadable foods such as jam, honey, and hazelnut. Or various salty foods such as cheeses and cured meats. Many also combine them with tasty drinks, including fruit juice, orange juice, or milk. 

Nutritional Properties Of Whole Meal Rusks

Whole meal rusks can also be prepared at home, but generally, we refer to industrially produced products. On the market, other brands offer different types at different prices. On average, 100 g of whole meal rusks contain about 379 kcal. 100 grams of whole meal rusks contain:

  1. 62 grams of carbohydrates;
  2. 14.2 grams of protein;
  3. 10 grams of fat.

And again, given the high concentration of carbohydrates, low humidity, and the presence of lipids, whole meal rusks are considered foods with a high energy density. It should also be clarified that they are free of vitamins and almost entirely mineral salts. On the contrary, however, they represent an excellent source of fiber. These play a vital role as they can regularize the bacterial flora and consequently favor better intestinal transit. Whole meal rusks, as well as other foods prepared with whole meal flour, contain a low glycemic index. For this reason, they are indicated to counteract hunger and, more importantly, to counteract the onset of rather severe metabolic diseases.

Properties Of Wholemeal Rusks: Benefits Related To Consumption

Wholemeal rusks can bring significant benefits to human health. It is essential to follow the basic principles of a healthy breakfast, and rusks, especially if whole, is a fundamental ingredient to start the day in the best possible way. This is mainly because they are rich in fibers and, therefore, considered suitable in some particular cases. Which? Below they will be listed one by one. The consumption of wholemeal rusks is indicated in the case of:


Those affected by this disease will know well that it is characterized by a poor tolerance to glucose and, therefore, carbohydrates and sugars. When carbohydrates are ingested, sugars accumulate in the blood and cause hyperglycemia. At this point, the fibers contained in whole meal rusks intervene. These slow down the absorption of sugars in the intestine and therefore ensure that the sugar levels present in the blood do not reach high and, thus, dangerous peaks;

Obesity And Overweight

These pathological conditions are often caused by the excessive consumption of refined foods. Therefore, foods are too rich in carbohydrates and sugars, raising the glycemic index and, consequently, the levels of sugars present in the blood. This then favors the transformation of sugars into fat. As they are rich in fiber, whole meal rusks absorb carbohydrates gradually, so there is no fat accumulation, and therefore no hyperglycemia is generated. Finally, whole meal rusks are also indicated for bodybuilders. 

Contraindications Whole Meal Rusks

In reality, it is not possible to give a clear answer to this question. However, it is possible to say that they are often defined as dietetic. Still, they are not particularly suitable for a low-calorie nutritional plan, especially if consumed as a substitute for bread. How how? The answer is simple. These contain a certain amount of fat added to give the rusk more excellent crispness.

Furthermore, their caloric intake is higher than that of bread, and this is because, during the toasting process, they are deprived of water content. For all these reasons, although whole meal rusks are tasty and filling, it is recommended to consume them in moderation. And therefore, for example, during breakfast, no more than three or four simple ones should be destroyed. On the other hand, if you want to consume them with jam for breakfast or as a snack, then the recommended dose is two rusks.


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