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Diet And Food Reeducation: The Main Differences

One of the ways to increase the quality of life and promote more health for our body, without a doubt, is through food. However, according to each person’s goals, there are several ways to do this.

Among these forms, we have diet and food reeducation. However, do you know the difference between diet and food reeducation? What are the benefits of each? 

Despite being associated with food and having similarities, they present some distinctions that are important to be pointed out when choosing one of them.

With that in mind, our article will seek to clarify the concepts of diet and food reeducation, pointing out their main differences to evaluate the best solution for what you are looking for. Good reading!

Difference Between Diet And Food Reeducation

The big difference between diet and food reeducation is the time frame in which results are desired. 

That is, while diets have faster responses, dietary reeducation needs more time and, at the same time, has more lasting effects.

The common point is that both are prescribed by a qualified professional, such as a nutritionist.

To better understand how each one works in practice, we will bring an explanation of how each one works below. 

Know Everything About Diet 

A diet is an eating plan that is closely associated with food restriction. Next, we will talk about its concept and its benefits.

What Is A Diet?

The diet is usually a quick food menu guide with short-term goals related to weight loss, mass muscle gain, and control of some blood rates.

Diet is a prescribed regimen with total or partial restriction of certain foods. There are several types of diets. However, they must be done carefully, so they do not cause malnutrition, for example.

Therefore, the diets must be followed in a pre-established period: beginning, middle, and end. A restrictive regimen for a long time is neither viable nor healthy for our body. 

Diet Benefits

As diets propose an individualized look at menus and the consumption of nutrients, among their benefits, we can talk about relieving the harm of pathologies such as diabetes, hypertension, and low immunity. 

Diets can also be beneficial in treating specific diseases, especially those that require a limitation in food consumption to combat the problem.

In addition, the main effects of restrictive diets are weight loss, mass muscle gain, and even physical preparation for a sports championship. Diets are ideal for those who need to have immediate effects.

How To Set Up A Diet? 

The diet, as we say, is nothing more than a little food script that must consider the patient’s lifestyle, needs, and specific goals.

To assemble an individualized diet, it is essential to look for a nutritionist. Therefore, it is not appropriate to carry out diets without professional supervision.

Only from the deep knowledge of your physical conditioning and limitations – which is done from anamnesis and physical evaluation by a professional, will it be possible to suggest the best menu to achieve the desired goals. 

Nutritional Education 

The difference in diet and food reeducation concerns a profound change in eating habits. Next, we will talk a little more about this concept.

Which Is?

As the name suggests, food reeducation is the way to relearn food. That is, it is the process of relearning to eat healthy long-term.

This process focuses on preparing the patient to make better choices within the food without restricting it but always helping to find a more balanced path when ingesting food.

With it, the individual comes to understand the value of each food. An interesting point of this type of food is that there is room for all foods

What will vary, in this case, is the consumption of each one of them. Some foods need to be consumed more frequently, others in less quantity. The important thing is not to ban.

Benefits Of Food Reeducation

Food reeducation’s main benefit is changing the individual’s relationship with food. This process will offer a positive change in eating habits.

 Meals, therefore, will become more balanced and nutritious, which will benefit our body in terms of rates and physical appearance.

When you discover that your relationship with food changes more deeply, it becomes easier to regulate consumption, therefore, greater awareness of food will help with weight loss, which can be the goal of many people.

The difference is that it will take longer than a diet; on the other hand, it will also last longer.

How To Start A Food Reeducation? 

In the same way that the diet requires professional monitoring, food reeducation will also need guidance from a nutritionist.

This health professional will be essential to guide the patient about their food routine and nutritional needs.

An essential point so that it is possible to relearn how to eat is to respect the moment of the meal. For example, eating slowly and in quiet environments is essential for your body to experience food intake fully.

Which Is Better: Diet Or Food Reeducation?

Considering the differences in diet and food reeducation, choosing these modalities will depend on your goals.

 While the diet promises faster effects, food reeducation will take longer to show these changes, especially physical ones.

This means that the diet will be more effective if you are looking to lose weight quickly for a specific situation or preparation for a sports competition. Also, in cases of specific chronic diseases, diet may be necessary.

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