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The 10 Foods That Have The Most Plant-Based Proteins

10 Foods That Have The Most Plant-Based Proteins, there are legumes, starting with lentils. Another essential source is dried fruit. Among vegetables and greens: broccoli, spinach, artichokes, and asparagus

Foods Rich In Vegetable Proteins

Not all proteins are the same, and not only foods that derive from animals contain it; even vegetable ones are rich in it. If we want to reduce our daily animal protein intake, here’s how to make up for it healthily. However, an essential premise must be made: animal proteins are called noble because they contain all the amino acids necessary to our body, and vegetable ones are called simple because, instead, they do not have them. However, these amino acids are easily found in a varied and balanced diet.

What Are The Foods That Contain Vegetable Proteins

So here are the vegetables that contain the most proteins; as a term of comparison, we take for the animal ones the Parmigiano Reggiano contains 33 grams for every 100 grams of the product.


Legumes are the richest plant source of protein in nature. Just associate them with cereals to get all the missing amino acids compared to meat. Here is how many proteins contain legumes per 100 gr.

  • Chickpeas 19 gr ( also rich in fiber )
  • Beans 12 gr
  • Broad beans 20 gr
  • Soy 37 gr
  • Peas 22gr
  • Lentils 23gr


Among the cereals, we include those prepared with spelled wheat (bread and pasta) and soy flour, which contain an average of 10 grams of protein per 100 grams. By combining cereals with legumes, we can obtain all the amino acids necessary for our body. Among other things, soft wheat is rich in fiber and cholesterol-free, while durum wheat can also boast mineral salts and vitamins. Cereals that must not be missing on the table!


The seeds richest in proteins are those of chia, hemp, pumpkin, and sunflower. Chia seeds can be purchased in organic shops and significant supermarkets; they are black and white and small. The gel in contact with water is often used to thicken soups, creams, and puddings. Hemp seeds contain a high-quality protein consisting of 22 amino acids, including 8 essential amino acids. On the other hand, pumpkin seeds contain 30 grams of protein in 100 grams of product, and sunflower seeds 21 grams in 100 grams.


Algae, like spirulina, are an essential source of protein, with 6 grams of protein per 100 grams of dried seaweed . They are mostly found in organic shops. Not to mention that algae contain essential amino acids, enzymes, polyunsaturated fats, trace elements, vitamins, and much more. So they are genuinely a panacea in 360 degrees. Therefore, it is worth introducing them into your diet. Among other things, spirulina is indicated to promote intestinal health and fight free radicals.

Tofu, Tempeh And Seitan

They are products derived from soy, yellow beans, and wheat, rich in vegetable proteins with 8/10 gr per 100 gr. Among other things, tofu is cholesterol-free and contains little saturated fat. Tempeh, which has Indonesian origins, is similar to tofu but tastier. At the same time, the Seitan is ideal for preparing tasty vegan recipes, such as meat sauce, or the delicious curry seitan, a delicious dish.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a rich source of vegetable proteins, especially pine nuts, and is also rich in iron. Here are the values ​​for 100 g of product:

  • Pine nuts 31 gr
  • Peanuts 29 gr
  • Almonds 22 gr
  • Pistachios 18 gr
  • Cashews 15 gr
  • Walnuts 14 gr
  • Hazelnuts 13 gr


Quinoa is a food that looks like cereal but is derived from a plant of the spinach family; it is cooked like millet or couscous and is very rich in vegetable proteins with 14 grams per 100. Its benefits are innumerable; it is also very rich in iron; it contains 10 essential amino acids, many mineral salts, fibers, Omega 3, and 6 fatty acids. And it is even gluten-free, therefore suitable for celiacs.


Among the vegetables richest in vegetable proteins, we find broccoli, artichokes, cabbage, spinach, peppers, asparagus, and potatoes. The beneficial properties of all these vegetables are many; on the other hand, it is known how essential vegetables are to be introduced into the daily diet. And these, in particular, are also useful from a protein point of view. We ensure they do not miss at the table, obviously alternating with each other to vary.

Vegetable Milk And Yogurt

Vegetable milk and yogurt can also provide vegetable proteins; the richest are soy milk and soy yogurt. The latter can also be easily prepared at home by getting 1 jar of about 125 ml of natural soy yogurt and 1 liter of unsweetened soy milk. Also ideal for a light break as it contains little fat and a lot of fiber.

What Are Protein-Free Foods

According to a ministerial circular dating back to 2009, foods without proteins can be defined as those containing an amount not exceeding 1 percent. Very well-labeled products fall into this category:

  • Bread
  • Cookies
  • Rusks
  • Sweets
  • Pasta
  • Flours

It’s still:

  • Salty snacks
  • Milk
  • Sauces

But pay attention to two recommendations. These are not foods we can take on a do-it-yourself basis or follow a trend. It is always necessary to indicate the specialist doctor who will associate a protein-free diet with a specific therapeutic plan. Second, protein-free foods don’t have to be bought everywhere. To be on the safe side, it is preferable to buy them at the pharmacy or in specialized stores. And if you choose the online route, trust only brands that are known, certified, and learned to your doctor.


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