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Does Fish Oil Lose Weight? See What Science Has To Say About It

Rich in omega-3, a nutrient that offers many health benefits, fish oil is a joint supplement on the Market. Among its advantages is an improvement in heart and brain functions and a reduction in the risk of depression.

In addition to these advantages mentioned above, some research suggests that fish oil can help you lose weight more quickly. However, opinions on this aspect of the oil still divide experts.

In any case, the benefit that fish oil provides to the body is undeniable. These fatty acids belong to a family of health-essential fats. That’s why getting to know him better and keeping him on the menu is essential.

What Is Fish Oil (Omega-3)?

There are several types of omega-3 fats. Studies tend to categorize them into two main groups: alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) — found in vegetables like walnuts, flaxseeds, hemp, and chia seeds — and long-chain ones, such as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA). The latter two are found in fish oil, seafood, and algae.

Your body is not able to produce ALA. You must eat foods rich in this fat to get it. The human body can generate EPA and DHA, but it uses ALA to do so — and that’s limited to somewhere around 2% to 10% of the daily value.

Due to the insufficiency of this nutrient, some health professionals advise the intake of approximately 250 mg of EPA and DHA daily. You can get this by eating two servings of fatty fish a week or a supplement.

Because they are directly involved in many essential bodily functions, EPA and DHA play a crucial role in health. Studies show that adequate levels of EPA and DHA help prevent inflammation, depression, and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and even aid in the treatment of cancer.

Can Fish Oil Reduce Hunger And Appetite?

One of the effects of omega-3 fish oil is appetite reduction. This alone produces weight loss, especially for those on a very restrictive diet who need to fight hunger.

A study of healthy people on a weight loss diet showed that consuming more than 1.3 grams of fish oil per day

increased feelings of fullness for up to two hours after a meal.

Does Fish Oil Increase Metabolism?

One of the ways fish oil helps you lose weight is by increasing your metabolism. Your metabolic rate determines the number of calories you burn each day. The higher your metabolic rate, the more calories you burn. Consequently, it is easier to lose weight.

In a French study, researchers recorded that the metabolic rates of healthy young adults increased by around 3.8% when they took six grams of fish oil a day for 12 weeks 4.

In older women, the metabolic rate increased by around 14% at three grams. This equates to burning an extra 187 calories a day. The exact number showed a 5.3% increase in metabolic rate in healthy adults.

Along with the increase in metabolic rates, he also observed increased muscle mass. As muscle helps you burn more calories, this may explain variations in these metabolic rates.

Can Fish Oil Improve Your Workout Performance?

Research has shown that consuming fish oil can also amplify the number of fat you burn during exercise . The effects of fish oil, however, are not limited to the number of calories you burn daily.

Among women, a study showed that burning calories was 10% more efficient and even increased fat burning by 27%. This study demonstrated that in combination with regular exercise, fish oil effectively reduced body fat.

Some studies suggest that fish oil makes the body look to body fat as the fuel source for your workout, not carbs. In contrast, other research says that fish oil doesn’t seem to affect the type of energy the body uses during exercise.

Does It Help To Reduce Measures?

Sometimes the scales can be deceiving. When you are gaining muscle and losing fat, weight tends to increase. So it would help if you had a tape measure and tracking body fat percentages to gauge your actual progress.

This disconnect between weight and body fat loss may explain why some studies are inconclusive or contradictory regarding the effects of fish oil on weight loss.

A review of 21 studies on the subject concluded that fish oil did not reduce body weight more than a placebo, but it did show that it reduced waist circumference relative to hip.


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