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5 Tips: This Helps With Hangovers

Drank a little too profoundly last night? Don’t worry, no alcohol isn’t a solution either – but these 5 anti-hangover tips are guaranteed to bring you back to life.

Everyone knows it: It seems as if there is no tomorrow in the evening – it’s easy to have a few too many drinks. But of course, there is the day after, and a bleak one at that, because the hangover is already waiting for us. 

Many vegetate the following day; others try to alleviate the symptoms. Create a greasy foundation, don’t drink at once and treat yourself to a Rollmops in the morning – tried and tested methods that are intended to combat or prevent the unpopular hangover. 

However, there is hardly any other topic surrounded by so many myths, tips and old wisdom as the hangover. We’ve examined the most popular ones and show you which tips work and why.

How Does A Hangover Come About?

To effectively fight a hangover, one must first clarify how it develops in the first place and why one feels the next day as if one had been hit by a tractor. 

Most of us notice the effects of the last night of partying by the following day at the latest. The hangover symptoms only start when the alcohol in the blood has completely broken down.

The consequences are headaches, nausea, dizziness and sensitivity to light and volume – at first, it sounds like an illness, but it is “only” a hangover. 

What Exactly Triggers The Hangover Is Not Yet Known

The most common theory is that hangovers result from dehydration since drinking alcohol dehydrates the body. With water loss comes a lack of electrolytes such as magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium.

A lack of fluid in the body is then expressed, for example, by headaches. 

A low blood sugar level due to alcohol consumption, toxic waste products in the liver or an imbalance in the immune system are also often associated with hangover symptoms. However, some studies in people with a hangover could find neither low electrolyte values ​​nor a connection with blood sugar levels.

What exactly leads to the hangover symptoms in the body has not yet been finally clarified. It’s all in the mix – in the end, the discomfort is probably the result of a combination of these theories, which is why a hangover manifests itself differently in everyone. 

5 Helpful Hangover Survival Tips


Creating a good foundation with protein and high-fat foods is a standard tip. These dishes stay in the stomach longer, which delays alcohol absorption.

Because the faster the alcohol gets into the blood, the stronger the symptoms are the following day. 

By the way: Whether you have an empty stomach or not, the blood alcohol level remains the same at the end of the day. However, alcohol absorption slows down and reduces the feeling of inebriation, so there is no harm. 

Drink Properly

Of course, preventive measures do not end during alcohol consumption; quite the opposite. Drinking a glass of water between meals helps the body become less dehydrated.

The water breaks also automatically consume less alcohol, which can significantly affect the actual water intake. If you can manage it, you should also drink a large glass of water before sleeping. 

The speed of alcohol absorption also plays an important role. The shorter the period, the more severe the hangover symptoms are – so maybe go to the toilet for the next round of shots.

Incidentally, drinking alcohol at random does not affect the intensity of the hangover. However, drinks that

contain a lot of fusel alcohol – such as wheat beer – can increase the symptoms. So instead, heed the saying “Only clear is true” (in moderation, of course).

Placebo Hangover Breakfast 

The effect of the well-known hangover breakfast remains controversial. Salty and hearty dishes should bring back the lost electrolytes, whether eggs or Rollmops. The problem is that the role of electrolytes in hangover symptoms isn’t understood.

Nevertheless, the hangover breakfast can have a positive psychological effect by having a slight placebo effect. We, therefore, recommend a balanced breakfast, which replenishes minerals and vitamins and increases well-being.

The perfect drink: Ginger tea because it stimulates digestion and is effective against nausea.

Alleviate Hangover Symptoms

Unfortunately, the rate at which our bodies break down alcohol cannot be accelerated. So once the hangover sets in, all you can do is damage control. 

Cold showers, a hearty breakfast, a walk in the fresh air – all these things will not make the hangover go away, but they can improve your mood and stimulate circulation.

If you feel sick, you should also stay away from caffeine and take a little nap instead.

Painkillers And Anti-Hangover Drugs

Soothing the pounding skull with a painkiller seems a logical solution at first. The only problem is that painkillers hit either the liver or the stomach.

This could then increase nausea and slow down the detoxification process. Natural remedies such as peppermint oil or tiger balm, which you can rub on your temples if you have a headache, are better. 

Anti-hangover pills are also an excellent idea, but there’s no scientific evidence that the pills will treat or prevent a hangover.

Myths You Can Forget

Some tips are pointless when you have a hangover; they can even worsen the symptoms. We probably don’t have to explain why a counter beer or digestive schnapps is not a good idea. 

But you should also give up sports and sauna sessions with a hangover, as your body already has enough to do with the detoxification process. Balance and concentration disorders can be the result.

Going for a quiet walk is better because sweating out alcohol isn’t possible anyway – sweating might make hangovers worse by adding to dehydration. 

As you can see, there is only one real solution to a hangover – and that is to endure it. After all, you can make your way to a better condition easier and support your body.

We’ve all said “never again alcohol” many times. But let’s be honest, the next night of partying is guaranteed – only this time you’re armed with valuable tips that help.


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